Man in the Mirror.
We go through life seeking validation from colleagues, critics, friends and family. We attach a role or purpose to ourselves to justify our existence. I’m known as the guy that plays rugby. But that’s not who I am! Why should a profession define who we are as people? Isn’t life so much more than that?
Thousands of years ago our inclusion into the tribe was dependant on our input and skill set. We live in the 21st century not in a cave. But our mind doesn’t know that.
What happens if this role is taken away from us or someone can do it better? We can be left feeling deflated and rudderless. Changing or losing your job doesn’t make you any more or less of a person. It is an opportunity to adapt and overcome, to explore new a path and experience new things.
Understand that you are unique and not confined to the labels of your profession, sexuality, colour or fashion sense. To a degree and in certain situations we should value others opinions, they matter, but not as much as the man in the mirror.
Measure yourself as a person on your ability to love, laugh, work, create, socialise, meditate, whatever! Many things can reflect who you are. The best news is, you get to choose!